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Rohini Vrat January 2024: Date, timings, rituals, vrat katha and significance

Within the Jain community, Rohini Vrat is celebrated on the day of the Rohini Nakshatra, one of the 27 constellations. The significance of this observance lies in its alignment with the auspicious Rohini Nakshatra, from which the vrat derives its name. In the Jain community, the Rohini fast has special significance as it aids in the removal of soul diseases and releases from the bonds of karma. The Rohini fast is observed on the day after sunrise or when the Rohini nakshatra is strong on Udiyathithi. Those who practice Jainism specifically observe this fast. On this day people worship Lord Vasupujya. Only after consistently keeping this fast for three, five or seven years can one perform Udyapan. Scroll down to learn more about this auspicious occasion. (Also read: Pausha Putrada Ekadashi 2024: Date, shubh muhurat, rituals, vrat katha, significance and all you need to know )
According to Panchang, the auspicious occasion of Rohini Vrat will be observed along with Paush Putrada Ekadashi on Sunday, January 21. The auspicious timing of Rohini Nakshatra will begin on January 21 at 3:09 am and will end on January 22 at 3:52 am.
The family of King Madhava and Queen Lakshmipati flourished in the kingdom of Champapura; they had seven sons and one daughter, Rohini. King Madhava consulted a guru who foretold Princess Rohini’s marriage to Ashoka, the prince of Hastinapur, in an attempt to find the ideal match for her. Accepting this prophecy, Rohini organized a lavish Swayamvara and selected Prince Ashoka to be her life mate. They had no idea that their happy marriage would be entwined with a story of spiritual development and atonement.
In a strange turn of events, Prince Ashoka went to Sage Sricharan to ask him for advice on how his wife maintained her remarkable calm. The sage related a historical story of Dhanamitra, a companion of King Vastupala, and his daughter Durgandha, who was cursed because of her bad smell. Under the tutelage of Sage Amritsen, Durgandha observed the Rohini fast on Rohini Nakshatra every month, along with deeds of charity and worship.
After five years and five months, her unwavering devotion paid off, resulting in her release from the curse, metamorphosis into a goddess, and ultimate rebirth as Princess Rohini. Durgandha, who is now the radiant Princess Rohini, was redeemed and transcended in large part due to the celestial alignment of Rohini Nakshatra and the enduring power of penance.
One of the most important days for Jainism is this one when women fast in hopes of improving their husbands’ and families’ quality of life and prosperity. According to Drik Panchang, “Rohini fasting is observed on the day when Rohini Nakshatra prevails after sunrise. It is believed that those who observe Rohini fasting can get rid of all types of sorrow and poverty. The Parana of Rohini Nakshatra is done during Margashirsha Nakshatra when Rohini.” Rohini Vrat is typically observed for three, five, or seven years at a time. Udyapana should be consumed to break the Rohini fast.
