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Crime Branch arrest history-sheeter with D-gang links in Oshiwara

MUMBAI: The Mumbai crime branch on Wednesday arrested Sachin Gajanan Shete, a history-sheeter with a long record of serious crimes and links with the Dawood Ibrahim gang. The police claimed to have found a country-made pistol and four live rounds in his possession when he was apprehended in Oshiwara.
Shete is involved in several crimes, including a murder where he allegedly stabbed one, John Robert D’ Souza, who was arrested in a robbery case and lodged at Arthur Road jail in 2006 along with Shete as undertrials. The argument started between them when water from D’souza’s plate seeped into Shete’s plate. Shete broke an aluminium meal plate and stabbed D’ Souza several times, who later died in the JJ hospital, said a police officer.
Acting on a tip-off from the official unit 9, inspector Daya Nayak and his team laid a trap and nabbed Shete. During the check, a country-made pistol and four live cartridges were found in his possession, Raj Tilak Roushan, deputy commissioner of police, crime branch, said.
A case was registered against Shete with the DN Nagar police station on Wednesday, and the case was transferred to the crime branch unit for investigation.
Apart from at least two murder cases in 2000 and 2013, Shete also had several extortion cases registered against him, and in 2009, he was charged under the stringent provisions of the Maharashtra Control of Organised Crime (MCOCA) Act.
Shete, a resident of Mira Road, was serving a life sentence in the Nashik Central Jail when he applied for parole. After being granted parole in June 2016, he went to his home in Mira Road but did not return after the parole period was over and went into hiding.
The Kashimira police then filed an FIR against Shete.
Shete had grown a beard, changed his name to Sohail, and would move around in a Pathani suit so people could not identify him. The Shivaji Nagar police managed to arrest him in November 2016, and he was handed over to the Kashimira police station and later sent to the Nashik jail.
